Friday, September 28, 2012

3D creations

This video illustrates the first Tunisian electrical car design idea:

Here is a list of 3D productions for the count of an animation studio in Canada.

The hole list of model images is accesible in this link

2D creations

The  current link contains A Short story that was written by a friend and that i turned into a comics story.
And here is a magazine that we created while still students.
This PDF contains a proposition of a sceneario for a TV commercial about a nex type of soda.
A day dedicated for 3D entertainement was also organized in collaboration wit Zaytoon production Studio.

2D logos creation

Creation of the ISET Kairouan 3D model 

Day Event Poster Creation

Tec1 Concept Car model design under Blender

3D projects

The fall of Mahdia city in the hand of the Spanish amry in 1550 
Short movie

Yogap commercial idea proposition

3Ds Max 404 car modeling

Step 1

Step 2 

Formation C++ pour les novices
Historique du C++ et introduction

Types de base en C++ et constantes

Opérateurs et expressions

Structure d'un programme C++

Fonctions et variables en C++

Pointeurs en C++

Classes et instances

La surcharge d'opérateurs en C++

Bibliothèques Standards compatibles avec C/C++

Bonne Programmation ;)